07 Apr

Whenever you venture out to get a tool that can help you, you are primarily thinking about functionality. In case of a weapon, you need to know if it can inflict pain and can help you protect yourself. In some cases though, you will find some contraptions that can do both and are still pretty great form-wise. Brass knuckles are already pretty badass, if you add a knife to them, that just takes them to another level altogether. Many people don’t understand why is a brass knuckle knife a dual purpose knife; it is usable as a puncher and a stabber weapon.

In the time that brass knuckle knives were invented, their soul purpose was dual protection. Having a knuckle attached to a blade allowed you to both punch someone and regain control over a blade when you need it. It is essentially a dual-power blade that allows you to use it in a way that is easier for you. Depending on who you are fighting and how, you can switch between using the knife tip or the knuckle impact to help yourself. A brass knuckle knife is also easier to handle as it provides a firmer grip on the weapon and you can maintain your control over it. 

History Of The Brass Knuckle Knife

If you look into the progression of knuckle weapons or their origin, you will find a long connection all over the world. They were found as far off as Asia and as close at Europe but they have been around for a while. The invention of the brass knuckle knife is somewhat recent compared to that. As is the case with many weapons, brass knuckle knives were invented by the military. During the start of the first World War, there was incredible tension in America and they were heavily investing in defense. During that time, soldiers needed a weapon to defend themselves in direct combat with the enemy. Hence, the trench knife was born, which is not normally known as the brass knuckle knife. It has a blade of a knife and the bottom of a knuckle weapon so it was double effective and counteractive to the enemy attack. 

After the war, there were some weapons that stuck around and became popular with the public. The knuckle knives were one of these pieces that are used to this day. Despite the fact that multiple weapons have been created since then, they have survived the test of time as well. Nowadays, they have been modernized and re-imagined but they still are one of the most impressive weapons ever created. 

Types Of Brass Knuckle Knives You Will Get 

When looking for unusual weapons, you normally have to look for them a little harder. But when you do find them you will have a choice in the kind of functionality you are looking for. Luckily, in the case of knuckle knives, you do have different versions that will suit one function more than the other. 

If you are looking for something a little more robust and menacing, you should get the fixed blade trench knife. It is usually bigger in size and features a wider blade with a heavier knuckle weapon as well. It is more suitable for someone who will use it for cutting, slashing, fighting and blocking. 

The more recent one is, however, the folding brass knuckle knife. This blade is normally a little shorter than the fixed one and tends to be easier to hold and handle as well. It is the kind of weapon where the knife blade folds into the handle and can be opened when you need it at whim. But within this banner you will also find two categories, the manual folding and the spring assisted opening knuckle knife. The first one is the folding knife that you need to pry open with your hands when you need it. The second one is actually a very recent version that allows you to click the blade open without switching hands. 

Usage Of Brass Knuckle Knife Now

It may seem strange that a knuckle duster knife will be in use now when there are so many heavy-duty gadgets. With the invention of guns, most of the other weapons have taken a backseat. Despite that, knuckle knives are some of those weapons that continue to be used in different ways. 

Of course, the first cause for using brass knuckle knives is for self defense. If you find yourself in a compromised situation, you want something that will help you win and fight back. For this, many people like to use a brass knuckle knife, because it gives double attack powers. You can use the knuckle for knocking someone out or causing temporary muscle disruption. The knife is an added powerful tool that can give you the edge if you are in a threatening situation. 

Other than just fighting, there is also another viable cause for getting the dangerous knuckle knife. It has proven to be incredibly useful for hunting game and larger animals. Since most knuckle knives have incredibly sharp blades they are excellent for butchering, filleting, skinning and killing. The knuckle allows you to maintain grasp on your tool so it doesn’t slip and can be used to actually hunt an animal as well. 

Surprisingly so, a knuckle knife has also garnered quite a following as a collectible novelty weapon. You will find multiple versions of this knife that are studded, embossed, graphically designed and bedazzled. These are the collectible knuckle knives that are bought by avid extreme weapon collectors. The best part is that even with all the design additions, it will stay as functional as always. People will use them when they go for camping, or survival training as they can cut through multiple natural and man-made materials. 

Buying Wholesale Knives At Lower Rates Online

Surely, anyone looking for a weapon to use or collect will worry about it’s price. Luckily, if you search for unique weapons like knuckle knives online, it can save you a lot of hassle. PA Knives is one of the most reputable stores when it comes to affordable knives because they sell wholesale weapons. You can get the same quality as the regular market brand without compromising on your budget.

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